The Downs PUD submitted by Hunter Pasteur Northville will be on the agenda at City Council’s meeting on Monday, Nov. 21, which begins at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Community Center to accommodate a larger audience and it will also be online. View agenda and package on the
city website.
The first reading of the proposed zoning ordinance map amendment of the Downs and associated properties at 301 S. Center St., 118 E. Cady St., 341 Beal Ave.,318 River St., 105 Fairbrook St., and 109 Fairbrook St. was conducted at the Sept. 19 meeting. At that time, it was noted that due to the nature of the ordinance, it will likely take longer before council makes a decision on the PUD.
Updates about this agenda item will be posted to social media and on the city website. View the agenda on the
city website.