Tree Removal Permit

Tree Removals

The City of Northville’s Tree Preservation Ordinance promotes an increased quality of life through the regulation, maintenance and protection of trees, forests and other natural resources.

  •  All proposed tree removals must be be reviewed by the Building Dept. official before any work is done on the tree. Trees that appear to be dead, are diseased or dying also must be evaluated. There is no cost for an application to determine if a tree permit is needed. 
  • Tree permit applications require on-site inspection by the Building Dept. official and are not processed the same day.
  • The Building Dept. official reviews the application, supporting documentation, conducts a site visit, and determines if a tree removal permit is required and if mitigation is needed. 
  • A performance guarantee may be required to ensure faithful completion of the conditions imposed. 

Failure to comply with the Tree Preservation Ordinance is a misdemeanor. Upon conviction, penalties and civil fines may be imposed in accordance with Section 90-38 of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. 

Review the Tree Preservation Ordinance in Chapter 90 of the Code of Ordinances. 

  • Tree Removal Permit Application
  • Tree Preservation Fee Schedule
This application is for minor projects that do not require Planning Commission review. If your project requires Planning Commission review, do not use this form.