Housing Commission

Purpose and Composition

The City of Northville Housing Commission was created by Northville City Council ordinance in 1970. The role of the Housing Commission is to set policy and provide guidance for the management of Allen Terrace. Allen Terrace is an apartment community for independent senior citizens who are 62 years and older.

The Housing Commission consists of a five-member board, that are City residents and qualified electors.  One member of the Housing Commission must be an Allen Terrace resident.  Members serve five-year terms and are appointed by the Mayor.  For more information about the Housing Commission, contact the Housing Director at 248-349-8030 or visit the Allen Terrace webpage. 

Meeting location
Allen Terrace, 401 High Street
Public welcome to attend

Agendas and minutes
Current agenda and minutes available on the Agenda and Minutes website
Archived minutes available here

2024 meeting dates
Generally, the Housing Commission meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6pm, unless otherwise noted

January 10
February 14
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 12
July (no mtg)
August (no mtg)
September 11 
October 9
November 13 
December (no mtg - holiday party)

Current member list
Resident member*


David Linden*
James Petres  9-15-28
John Crampton
Kristine Ritter
Janice Valade

Jolyn Gismonde
Housing Director

John Carter, Council Liaison 
Laura Genitti
Council Liaison Alternate

Governing documents
Housing Commission By Laws
Housing Facilities Statute (PA 18 of 1933)
Code of Ordinances Chapter 2