Open Government
Certification of Accountability and Transparency

In accordance with Public Act 252 of 2014, the City of Northville is happy to provide to the residents a debt service report and projected budget. These reports are updated each year after the year end audit.  Click on the links below to view the various reports:

Public Act 51

The City of Northville is in compliance with Public Act 51, Section18j, MCL 247.668j.  This certifies that medical benefits are offered to eligible employees in compliance with the publicly funded health insurance contribution act, PA 152 of 2011. These reports are updated annually in August or September each year. 
  • Local Road Agency Transportation Employees
  • Form 2068 – Annual Certification of Employee-Related Conditions
Public Act 202 of 2017

An Act protecting local government retirement and benefits.  The local unit of government shall electronically submit a summary pension and retiree health care report in a form prescribed by the department of treasury on an annual basis to the governing body of the local unit of government and the department of treasury no later than 6 months after the end of the local unit of government's fiscal year.
  • Pension Report – City of Northville (June 30, 2023)
  • OPEB Report – City of Northville (June 30, 2023)

Legacy Cost Information

Pension Plan
The City has received its annual actuarial for the Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (MERS) defined benefit pension plan as of December 31, 2023.  This plan consists of eight employee divisions which includes 2 active members, 6 vested former members, and 63 retirees and beneficiaries.  Depending upon the division, the plan was closed to new participants on various dates from 1997 through 2007.  No debt has been issued to pay down this liability.

Total Liability $21.8 million
Funded Percentage 104%

Retiree Healthcare
The City has received its annual actuarial for the retiree healthcare plan as of December 31, 2023.  This plan consists of 9 active members and 68 retirees and covered spouses.  This plan is closed to new participants.  No debt has been issued to pay down this liability.

Total Liability $7.68 million
Funded Percentage 158%

PA 57 of 2018 - Recodified Tax Increment Financing Act

The Act imposes new, uniform reporting requirements on most authorities and their related municipalities, new public informational meetings, authorizes the Department of Treasury to enforce the Act, and prohibits authorities in breach of these reporting requirements from capturing tax increment revenues in excess of  the amounts necessary to pay bond indebtedness and other obligations of the authority for the period of noncompliance.  Please see the Downtown Development Authority's website for all compliance materials.