The Department of Public Works is hosting a trio of related project exhibits at the Parks, Pathways and Pedestrians open house on June 8, from 4 to 7 p.m. at City Hall, 215 W. Main. The event will inform citizens about the Ford Field Master Plan, the Non-motorized Plan and the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program while gathering input and ideas from attendees. Consultants and city staff will show progress being made on these projects and answer questions.
The Ford Field Master Plan is being developed by Wade Trim, an engineering consulting firm working on behalf of the Northville Parks & Recreation Dept. The plan will identify new features to add to the park, working within the current site topography. The favorites among 1,200 people who answered a survey in April include a public restroom, renovated Fort Griswold (play structure), and a variety of passive and active recreation amenities. Funding from a $910,000 grant approved last year by the state, and to be issued by the Michigan Dept. of Economic Development (MDEC) using federal infrastructure monies, will go toward improving accessibility at the park. Wade Trim will present two plans for citizen review and feedback.
“Data from the open house will be considered as the final plan is developed, so it’s important to have a good turnout,” said Debra Bilbrey-Honsowetz, acting Parks and Recreation director.
Greenway Collaborative is updating the city’s Non-Motorized Plan this year to connect bike paths and walkways in the city with regional trails and paths. The previous plan was updated in 2013. The goal is to make these routes safe and convenient for those who walk, bike, run, or use a wheelchair or stroller along the pathways. The consultant will ensure that new or improved connections for pedestrians, bicyclists, and those with special needs align with ordinances and policies, such as ADA requirements. The majority of this plan is covered by a SEMCOG grant.
Fleis & Vandenbrink is the engineering consultant working on ways to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety in the city. They are studying traffic patterns and pedestrian safety in and around Downtown Northville and are also looking at the non-arterial roads between 7 Mile and 8 Mile and between Rogers and S. Main/Northville Road. The ensuing Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program will help achieve the goals of a Safe System, focusing on safer people, safer roads and safer speeds.
There’s no need to RSVP for the open house. Simply come at any time during the event. For questions prior to the event, contact Mike Domine, DPW director, at
[email protected] or call 248-305-2708.