Reappointment Application

Applicant Information


Street Address 

City   State   Zip

Cell Phone  



Reappointment Information 

For which board or commission are you re-applying?* 

Number of terms you have served?* 

Did you hold a leadership position on this board?* 

Why would you like to continue to serve?* 


Education and occupation*


What areas of expertise do you bring to this board/commission?*

What do you want Council to know about your board/commission, and how they can assist with its goals?*

If you had less than 75% attendance in a calendar year during your term, please explain


Charter and Other Statutory Requirements

City Charter and other State statutes have minimum qualification requirements that apply to certain boards.  Contact the City Clerk at [email protected] with questions.

Registered to vote in the City of Northville     Yes    No

Resident of the City of Northville in (Month and Year) 

Related to any city election official, or spouse?   Yes   No

Related to the City Manager or spouse?    Yes    No

Explain relationship if applicable

In default to City (taxes, UB, parking tickets, etc)?   Yes   No

In default to any other govt unit of Michigan?   Yes   No

Answer these questions only if you are applying for the Downtown Development Authority (DDA)

Own property in the DDA district?   Yes   No

If yes, provide property address 

Place of business in the DDA (owner or employee)    Yes   No

If yes, provide business name and address 

Resident of DDA district?   Yes    No



By submitting this application, I certify the foregoing statements and answers are true and complete.  I agree in advance that any misrepresentation or falsification of any of the above information shall be cause for rejection of this application or termination of appointment, depending upon when the falsification is discovered.  I consent for the City of Northville to verify the information provided.

I understand and agree to the Application Certification    Yes  






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